1) Stop Incurring Debt. This means you must stop using credit cards and/or taking out loans until your bankruptcy
is complete and closed. In an emergency or necessary situation, please contact us to discuss. For example,
unplanned medical debt may be an exception, as you may not have a choice about incurring the debt. If you incur
debt shortly before filing bankruptcy, you may end up having to repay some, or all, of that debt.
2) Do not bank with institutions that you have debt with. Consider opening an account with an institution where
you do not have any debt. Do not bank with Wells Fargo because they sometimes freeze accounts when a
bankruptcy Is filed.
3) Be careful leaving money in your bank accounts. If your bankruptcy case is not yet filed, then creditors can
continue to take collection actions against you. This includes wage garnishment, bank levies, and putting liens on
4) Gather documents on the checklist we provided. Once completed, contact us to set up an appointment to
review and sign the retainer agreement.
5) You must keep all vehicles insured, even if you are not operating the vehicle.
6) Once retained, tell all creditors and collection callers to contact us. Provide them with our name and phone
number. That’s it. You do not need to tell them that you are filing bankruptcy. Say you don’t know anything and
that your attorney told you to tell creditors to contact your attorney.
7) Don’t move, transfer, give away or sell assets, property or any other belongings. Let us know if you have.
8) Don’t pay creditors more than the minimum payment. Don’t selectively repay loans.
9) Cosigners must continue to pay debt they are consigned on.
10) Don’t pay friends or family members. Don’t selectively repay loans. Let us know if you have.
11) Talk to a bankruptcy attorney before filing a lawsuit.
12) Contact us before you enter into agreements or contracts.
13) Don’t cash out money from financial accounts without discussing with your attorney.
14) Don’t provide inaccurate, incomplete or dishonest Information. Be thorough with your answers and Information that you provide to us or the court.
15) File required tax returns.
16) Don’t ignore any lawsuit that is filed, even if it does not have a case number on it. Provide a copy to your
attorney right away.
17) Ask us questions and tell us of any change in circumstances. If you are not sure about something, contact us.