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Student Loan Discharge Process in Bankruptcy

    Attestation in the context of student loan discharge in bankruptcy refers to the process of affirming or confirming that the information provided in the bankruptcy petition is true and accurate. In a bankruptcy case where the borrower is seeking to discharge their student loan debt, they must sign an attestation confirming that they have provided a complete and accurate list of all creditors and debts, including their student loan creditors.

    The attestation is an important part of the bankruptcy process, as it helps to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the information provided in the bankruptcy petition. Filing a false attestation or providing false information in a bankruptcy case can have serious consequences, including the dismissal of the case or potential criminal charges.

    If you are considering discharging your student loans in bankruptcy, it is important to consult with a bankruptcy attorney, who can help you understand the requirements and procedures involved in the process, including the attestation requirement.